Previous lifes are specially delicate subject. At first, because every experience in this field is absolutely individual. Nobody cannot value your memories. Secondly: memories cant be checked, mostly. (only in some rare cases two persons have find out that they have same memories). Thirdly: there is absolutely nothing to do with past, immediately past is connected with present and future. Someway all talk about previous lifes is bullshit. And most important thing: in most cases you will make yourself full discussing thats a crazy subject and you will get only compassion as psyciatrically sick person.
In the same time openness to this subject is also increased: use Google search engine and write to the empty field: Reincarnation, and you will find a lot....
There are different groups of people who are finding an idea of eternal soul travelling from body to body from life to life funny comforting and almost possible. Kids are soooo wise, where from is their mental wisdom came? And people ARE in different mental level: one is adult and wise even in childhood and an other is even in old age childish in mind – he/she doesnt see life from wider point of wiev , he/she wants things and is capricious like a kid. One wants ”this red umbrella” and an other wants to reach truth and all truth and in this life? I am meaning wisdom, what is not in direct relation with educationlevel or amount of knowledges and skills, I mean mental maturity. Some fructs are matury and some are raw – same way persons are in different levels of maturity. How this will be explained if there is not shacle of lifes?
And what is the reason that some persons living with clear memories not from this life and others dont have this kind of experiences?
And why is this wrong if somebody feel these strange memories important? Is it important to remember previous lifes? Is there any difference some was a king or artist, famous or not famous, did good or bad things? How past time influence to this moment now?
Do the departed in the Heaven/Hell like us to remember there as our previous lifes?
I have been thought this thing from many aspects. Memory, what is this? Zhese curious pictures and dreams from far times, what is this? As a kid I saw aften a dream where I was reading a book written by me hundreds of years ago.
I have been working for a years with dement persons in Elderly Hause.They dont know who they are and where they are. This experience in my work is very much giving. Arent we looked from the cosmos as they: dont remembering stupid things we have done in previous lifes?
And same time: if you are got lost in tangle of previous paths you cant live this moment completely. Your energy will stream to the past and for creating this moment completely you just dont have energy. This is because I think:You can browse past times sometimes as you are looking your photos, but no one is looking photos every day...
In Maharishi Open University I have been teached that human conciousness have 7 levels: sleep, dream, waking, trancendental- , cosmic- , god- and unitconciousness. Cosmic conciousness is characterized as unbounded. Cosmic conciousness cross the time and space. If person is reached the cosmic level of conciousness and in the moment of death he is in this level person have not to be reborned again(only he/she can reborn in free will as enbodyment of compassion or so called boddhisatwa in sanscrit language to help living beings). If some is unbounded, where can he go, if he is everywhere and eternal?
If persons conciousness is not developed so far or, it is better to say: he/she is not cleaned his conciousness from dirt, he/she must travel from life to life. Ancient vedas (indian holy texts) have saying: from purity comes success. Conciousness have to be cleaned as computers memory. Conciousness will cleaned through trancendation. You can learn the holy and practical ability of trancending by learning meditation.
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